Startup a Successful Career

Set up life goals related to digital nomad

Rohan Abeysinghe


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

What comes to your mind when you hear the word Digital Nomad?

The concept of “Digital Nomad” is an upcoming trend in this new era. Our jobs are tethered to a specific desk or workplace, making our lives dull.

However, with the development of new technologies such as cloud communications, collaboration apps, and productivity tools, the internet may now serve as our virtual office, allowing us to work from anywhere.

This is where the concept “Digital Nomad” comes into play. If anyone wants to set up your life goals related to digital nomadic life, this article reveals everything for you.

What is a digital nomad?

Digital nomads are the people who are not stuck in one frame. The word “Digital Nomad” has introduced by Makimoto and Manners in 1970.

As per them, digital nomads engaging in predictions about how mobile and portable technologies elevate both work and leisure while finding a new lifestyle.

Unlike traditional remote employees who work from their homes or coworking spaces, digital nomads can distinguish by their desire to travel.

These individuals regularly move their locations while still earning money from a connection on their laptops or phones.

As a result, they can experience different cultures in different parts of the world, develop new skills, and experience life in new and exciting ways.

Digital Nomads always try multiple working cultures, societal changes, and numerous travel patterns (Hannon Olga, 2020).

Digital Nomad Jobs

Some digital nomads, for example, deal with data input or accounting from a distance, while some look for ways to make money on the side, such as managing Airbnb properties.

Many digital nomads focus on establishing a job in an area where they excel. These individuals are freelancers who use the gig economy to work for various clients and businesses online.

Apart from that, Virtual Assistant and data entry jobs are ideal for beginners, while Cryptocurrency Daily Trading is the most trending one. Some of the other digital nomad jobs that you can try are given below.

  • Content Creating
  • Copywriting
  • Social Media Manager
  • Translations,
  • Programming,
  • Affiliate Marketing,
  • Blogging
  • Tour guide
  • Website Tester

Setting up Life Goals as Digital Nomad

If you love to be a digital nomad, your desired goals may be different from others. How do the goals of digital nomads change from others?

A variety of goals and motivations inspire digital nomads. Here are a few examples:

  • Freedom
  • Traveling
  • Smarter financial setup
  • Meeting new people and connections.
  • Creativity, Learning and growing.

Let’s move into set up goals step by step.

Initially, you have to visualize your goals. What do you want your life to be like a year from now (or whatever timescale you choose)?

If you are starting up as a digital nomad, you can consider different sources of income or destinations to visit.

Consider a variety of criteria, such as physical characteristics, financial, social, or emotional goals.

Once you decide on a specific goal, divide it into sub-goals, including every goal you need to achieve within your chosen timeframe. Even though your goals list is lengthy, never try to eliminate them. Instead of that, specify them.

When it comes to Digital Nomad life, they also have specific goals as per their profession. Lets’s have some look at that. If we think about a freelancing writer, there are life goals related to their career.

A writer doesn’t write only the content. He has to research, find new ways of writing, and satisfy their customers with their writing skills. For freelance content writers, setting up goals are a high priority.

You can set free time to brainstorm and think about goals in your career life. When there are achievable goals, it may be an advantage for both writer and the customers.

Software engineers are also a kind of digital nomad profession with more flexible hours and new technologies. They also can work remotely while traveling even.

Life without a goal is nothing, and each profession has specific goals. Most of the goals in software engineers are based on innovations, new findings. The professional goal should sharpen their skills and knowledge.

There are various techniques to set up their career goals with work-life balance, motivation.

How to set up SMART goals:

Smart is an acronym that relates to goals that stand for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. It is a well-established concept that leads to success in your goal achievements.

  • Specific goals:

Make your goals as specific as possible. Consider the five Ws: what, why, who, when, and where.

For instance, without saying, “I want to make more money with my blog,” say, “Within the next four months, I intend to make 30% more money by joining five additional affiliate programs and publishing ten more articles focusing on affiliate partners.”

  • Measurable goals:

You cannot determine if you have reached your goals until you can measure them. For example, assume you have established a goal to “write more articles.”

What does “more” mean to you? Will you have met your goal if you write just one more article per week, or do you want to produce three more articles per week?

  • Achievable goals:

When it comes to achieving success in life, optimism is a must. Making a million dollars in your first three months as a digital nomad is a tempting goal. Is it, however, achievable?

  • Relevant goals:

You can formulate the most flawlessly worded goals. However, they will not get you anywhere if they are unrelated to your desired career or lifestyle. Learning French, for example, should not be your first focus if you plan to spend the following year in Central America.

  • Timely goals:

Make a schedule for achieving your goal. Make action item milestones and a deadline for when you want to finish your goal. If you do not give them a deadline, they may drag on indefinitely. Be practical once more.

How to Achieve Goals?

In addition, you might want to create sub-goals. If you have a significant objective, it is a good idea to break it down and create a step-by-step list of everything you need to achieve. Make sure that each of these sub-goals can write as a SMART goal.

When you have decided on your goals, consider all of the potential roadblocks. What are the constraints? Perhaps you have always wanted to achieve that objective but never have. Then, make a strategy for overcoming those obstacles. Finally, make sure they do not come your way this time.

Make sure you adjust the way you think about your goals and how you plan to achieve them. Here are some suggestions for doing so:

  • Ponder what will happen if you do not accomplish your goals.
  • Have faith in yourself and believe that you can do it.
  • Remind yourself of it (daily).
  • It is something you should tell your family and friends.

Monitoring your goals is also part of a professional goal-setting strategy. Set aside a time, say once a week or every two weeks, to sit down and review your accomplishments thus far.

Now it is time for you to determine. First, make time for a proper goal-setting strategy in your calendar. Then, take a few hours to calm down and think about your goals for the digital nomad life in the following year.



Rohan Abeysinghe

Tech Project Manager, Senior Software Engineer, Blogger. My writing reflects interests in Project Management, Tech, Business, Economics, Philosophy and Fiction.